...although quite who Jack is or how he feels about the Reynolds Girls being after him, is anyone's guess.
Well, I knew that quoting the Morrissette on a blog was dangerous, but I didn't expect anyone to read it, let alone to contact me to check I was OK! Apologies for all the melodrama - everything is genuinely dandy and on the up, regardless of how yesterday's post may have seemed. Yes, things have been a wee bit rubbish in recent days and I could feel myself going round in circles unable to quite shake off the negative feelings, so I thought a bit of outward expression would help - and it did. I thought long and hard yesterday about posting when I was feeling so damned angry, but I want this blog to have some element of authenticity and an honesty - and I want to be able to look back in years to come and see how far I've come and how much I've achieved.
The good news is the e-exorcism worked. For today I woke up today with a renewed vigour to crack on with my challenges and to tackle life generally. Today people, I feel like a giant (any height-related jokes quite unnecessary, thank you!). This has been somewhat helped by the fact I've spent today on a 'Personal Mastery' course which my boss booked me on at the last-minute. As with all training courses, I thought 'oh well, at least it will be a free lunch', but this has genuinely been an inspirational day with much of the learning focused around the simple fact that we all have choices in everything we do. No matter who throws what at you, it is your choice how you choose to respond to that situation. Yesterday I chose to respond to my growing anger by dumping it here - view it as a physical transaction of transferring the negativity from my little ol' head to cyberspace; today I'm choosing to fill the space vacated by Senor Anger with lots of loveliness, including getting back on the task horse. I can't promise there won't be future posts which are not exactly Disney-esque, but I think they'll be few and far between - so no need to start quoting The Cure, Coldplay, James Blunt (is there ever an excuse for quoting James Blunt) - or Fleetwood Mac.
So what loveliness is going on in my noggin? Well, the search for a flat has recommenced and a second viewing on 'the possible' has been booked. I'm desperately trying to get out of working over the next few weekends so I can visit the fab Casleys in Bristol and I've been searching for cheap flights to Lisbon with a view to a visit in September (G - let me know if this works for you). I finally have a contact for the race organisers of the Jordan multi-marathon thing and have had a practice at a dog and a giraffe with the modelling balloons (limited success thus far, but I have burnt a signifcant quantity of calories trying to blow the darn balloons up and then chasing them around the flat when they fly off in various directions. Let's hope Florence is easily pleased). I also managed to enjoy a long sing-a-long soak in the bath without once feeling the need to play some Adele! Blog-ettes, I am back in the race...
...and by way of making up for any moroseness (morosity??) in previous posts, I shall share some of my favourite Les Dawson lines with you. Night night.
'I can always tell when the mother in law's coming to stay; the mice throw themselves on the traps.'
'I went to my doctor and asked for something for persistent wind. He gave me a kite'.
'I took my mother-in-law to Madame Tussard's Chamber of Horrors, and one of the attendants said, 'Keep her moving sir, we're stock-taking'
“I saw six men kicking and punching the mother-in-law. My neighbour said 'Are you going to help?' I said 'No, Six should be enough.”
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