Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Day 3 (18 May 2011) - We live on borrowed time...

...don't worry I'm not getting that deep just yet, merely the Ipod fairy delivering a touch of The Manilow to my ears, so was singing along.  It's somewhat ironic that the song 'We live on borrowed time' is all about living for today and not worrying about the past or the future and yet it's being sung by a man who has had so many facelifts that his ears now meet round the back of his head.  Bless the Barry. 

Anyway, here we are,  Day Three of 'The Challenge' and it's all getting rather exciting.  Not only do I have over twenty challenges / aims  to complete / do (yes, that does say over twenty, for more have arrived today) this blog has amassed three followers - and, yes, they are all real people who have claimed to have read the blog and not merely spammers from Russia looking for middle-aged men with deep pockets to marry, or offering me herbal versions of viagra (tried it once, got stuck in my throat and went round with a stiff neck for weeks.  Boom boom!*).  If I were in PR or External Affairs I'd probably tell you that this is how the Obama campaign began...but I'm not, so I won't.

I'm aware that my previous musings have been somewhat on the the verbose side, so for those in a hurry or with a short attention span, I'll say now that I haven't completed any further tasks today - I have not attempted to foist my attentions on a random stranger, have not ventured outside of London and Sister Wendy is still safely ensconced in her caravan, blissfully unaware that Katie & I are coming to find her - so you can move along now if you wish.

This whole blog thing is really weird (I can see all three of you nodding your heads).  Although it's just a medium for a rambling brain dump - so very little difference from an actual conversation with me - there is something about committing words to...whatever or wherever words go in cyberspace (maybe there's a little man who collects them all up and takes them somehere...maybe it's Metal Mickey?                            Pauses for moments silence for Irene Handl - ask your parents)...wherever these words end up (recycling bin anyone one?) there is something rather exposing about putting thoughts, words and decriptions of deeds out there for everyone to see - and I'm not used to being exposed (be-have).  It's part liberating, tinged with a sprig of naughty guilt (as it all feels so self-indulgent), part pressurised at actually coming up with something to say (I've got over that bit thus far and am just spouting - you might have noticed) and yet very cathartic at the same time.  Without going into too much detail - it's only Day 3 after all -  it beats over-analysing, which on recent form only seems to result in a build up of sadness / frustration / anger / vengefulness (and that last one in particular is a horrible trait  I've never wanted to lumber myself's also quite possibly a made-up word) and ultimately doesn't actually resolve anything.  Of course, most importantly in my case, the reason for doing it is to make an open commitment to get off my backside, push myself and have a real crack at life whilst I am (mostly) devoid of responsibilities.  A most surprising, and unforeseen aspect has been three people have spoken  / contacted me today saying they wish they could write a blog, but don't have the nerve..maybe I'm not alone in consistently playing things too safe.

Right, you've come on here to hear about my various events and challenges, so I best update you on the latest additions.  On top of the 20 outlined in yesterday's post, I now have the following to target / look forward to:

21. Visit Ellie & Jay in Spain (Ellie) - hoorah, more travelling.  Oi Chalmers - move over Grandma!  Not sure exactly how I'm paying for all this travelling (am supposed to saving my pennies for a deposit on a flat, which is already a bit of a stretch) - but it'ds exactly that sort of sensible talk that's landed me here in the first place.  Oh well, you're in control. 
22. Truly believe how FAB you r (Amanda B) .  ((Oh, schucks)).  Bit embarrassing this one, but this experience is about being honest and more confident, so there it is.  I didn't say it, someone else did and money did not change hands.  Not quite sure how I'll measure this one, but as it comes from my Director and we're in the middle of a restructure, I shall very much accept it and jump to the conclusion that my P45 isn't in the post (now panicing that that is an assumption too far??)
23. Complete a Charity Challenge in Guatemala (Rachel).  BIG thanks for Rachel for giving me a pass on the £25k yacht race and downgrading expectations.  I'm only joshing with you Rach - will look into it and give it some serious consideration.  Am now slightly worried about annual leave entitlement - any views on this?  Are all of these challenges obligatory??
24. Attend Sophie Ladds' Hen Night (Katie & Sophie).  Right, so yesterday I stated that I was terrified at the prospect of a night out with Juanita and her cougar mates (no offence Juanita), and so now I'm going on a hen night?!  Should be a giggle, particularly as it involves the Sisters Ladds - I'll never forget Sophie getting me absolutely legless at Katie's wedding; a fine, amusing drunk if ever I met one!  And, as Sophie is marrying a c'leb and there will be celebrity presence at the wedding, there may just be the chance of some hob-nobbing with the great and the good of the televisual world (I'm going to turn into that mad old woman who waits outside hotels and hugs celebs, aren't I?)

...but there is room for more. So, if you haven't yet chucked an idea my way, why not do it now (Stop blogging might be a good start?). 

That's yer lot for today.  Stand down everyone.

Right, Manilow, where were we?

* Clearly that was a fabricated story for the sole purpose of getting a cheap joke in.  In keeping with the spirit of this challenge, I have never taken anything stronger than a Lemsip.  This is NOT a reason for someone to challenge me to get a crack habit.

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